Sunday at 10:45am

Park behind the building and follow signs to enter through the Candler Center.

531 Haywood Rd, Asheville, NC 28806

Our worship is sacramental and liturgical.


A sacrament is defined as “an outward and visible sign of an inward spiritual grace.” Sacramental worship involves receiving grace through participation—God makes himself present to us, communicating himself through all our senses, beyond intellectual means alone. Holy Communion is celebrated each week and Baptism is received as the initiatory sacrament, through which we become full participants in the life of the Church.


Liturgy is both our public worship to God and His public service to us. Our liturgy, from the Book of Common Prayer, is historically rooted—handed down to us from scripture and enacted throughout the historical Church. Liturgical worship is an embodied and participatory approach to worship. The Book of Common Prayer is often referred to as Scripture arranged for worship. Our lives are ordered by God’s Word—teaching us how to pray and aligning our will with the heart of God.


On Sundays we currently have four children’s classes—Infant & Toddler Nurseries, Two & Threes Worship Hour class, PreK & K Worship Hour class and Children’s Chapel for 1st & 2nd graders.

Our children rejoin us in the Nave for the Liturgy of the Table to celebrate the Feast together!

Additionally, children of all ages are welcome at all times during the service—our children’s classes are completely optional. Our goal is that our children fully participate in our worship, whether that be through special instruction in classes or parental instruction and corporate modeling in the sanctuary.

Learn more about our Family Ministry at Redeemer ⟶

For Children